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So with the weather we are currently having in Adelaide I thought I might give some tips on what you might need to do or go over to avoid any unwanted issues.
I have recently had some calls coming in and clients are wondering how to drain some water out due to the rain or clear a cloudy or green pool.
There is multiple ways to do this and since all pools are set up differently I recommend calling a professional for advice.
What happens with your pool when it rains and what to check?
The extra water is diluting your pool water, this means that what chemicals you had in there are now diluted down and will need to be checked and re adjusted.
The rain water is different chemistry to your pool so this addition will change your water balance.
If there has been an electrical storm then you will need to pay close attention to your water condition. The rain water drops are charged from the lighting and can turn your pool a nice green colour very quickly, especially if your water chemistry is out of balance.
Adjust your pH if its high (aim for 7.3ppm), then adjust your alkalinity (not at the same time as pH), then adjust your chlorine levels. Adding chlorine only won't work as efficiently unless the other parameters are balanced.
If your pool is already green you will need to balance and add either or both an algaecide and oxidiser. Remember if adding a metal based algaecide to not over dose the water.
Pool is overflowing: Instead of just wasting the water away, try and use this time to give your sand filter a really good backwash and rinse (doesn't apply with cartridge filters).
Investing in a backwash tank to capture the wasted water and recycle it back in to the pool when its needing a top up is a great idea.
General checks: Make sure all electrical components are not exposed or flooded. Switching off the pool during an electrical storm is not a bad idea. Excessive dust and debris can and will enter the pool during heavy storms and windy days so with the pool off you can avoid equipment damage or blocked filters. Giving the pool a good full service after the storm has past.
Above all just check over and make sure all is running as it should. If in doubt, call a pool specialist to do a post storm service.